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Centennial Park - Floral Park


Updated: May 7, 2022

A beautiful park in Floral Park, NY. The design of the park is unique and not that common for the area it is in. There is an outer rim path on the perimeter and paths that go into the center of the park. The park is very well designed for children. There is a large artist‘s mural, several gardens, picnic tables, a stage for events, a bridge across the park from the higher level looking down on the lower level. The park is surprisingly large and kind of transports you as you go in and down to the lower level. The reason there are two levels is that it was previously a local sump for rain water. The park does not feel like a usual park because it was built and supported by the community there. Benches, fountains, supples and construction were donated by individuals rather than town or county plans alone. Dogs are not allowed. The park has a Alice in wonderland vibe to it. The differing elevations are very unique for the area it is in. It is highly recommended to check out if you live in the general area and especially for children in the summer.


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